Inspired by real events in the director’s childhood, the film reflects the tender, frightening and exciting emotional journey of a young girl coming into her own. The story of 11-year-old Silvia whose life at home is consumed by her mother’s clinical depression. When no one will take the time to fulfill her dream to visit Rome, she runs away, determined to see it for herself. On a train she meets a Roma girl, Emina, and begins following her through the streets of Rome to her Roma camp. “A tender, captivating emotional indie gem!” (B. Pokras)
Drama, Independent
1h 18min
Inspired by real events in the director’s childhood, the film reflects the tender, frightening and exciting emotional journey of a young girl coming into her own.
The story of 11-year-old Silvia whose life at home is consumed by her mother’s clinical depression. When no one will take the time to fulfill her dream to visit Rome, she runs away, determined to see it for herself. On a train she meets a Roma girl, Emina, and begins following her through the streets of Rome to her Roma camp.
“A tender, captivating emotional indie gem!” (B. Pokras)