HOBBYHORSE REVOLUTION is a funny and moving film about the power of imagination and the strength of a community. The film follows three young girls, Aisku, Elsa and Alisa whose lives have been transformed by their new interest: hobbyhorses. Despite a lack of understanding by some, the girls bravely and spiritedly pursue their hobby. "A refreshing look at the coming of age of young women who transformed their passion into an empowering tool and created a community to stand up to the world. Through their conviction, love and special revolution, they invite us all to find our very own hobbyhorses." (Tampere Film Festival)
Documentary, Independent
1h 29min
A film about teenagers with growing pains, who discover their own voice and talent through riding and grooming hobbyhorses.
HOBBYHORSE REVOLUTION is a funny and moving film about the power of imagination and the strength of a community. The film follows three young girls, Aisku, Elsa and Alisa whose lives have been transformed by their new interest: hobbyhorses. Despite a lack of understanding by some, the girls bravely and spiritedly pursue their hobby.
"A refreshing look at the coming of age of young women who transformed their passion into an empowering tool and created a community to stand up to the world. Through their conviction, love and special revolution, they invite us all to find our very own hobbyhorses." (Tampere Film Festival)