Young Violetta and her mother Hannah have a peculiar relationship. Ten-year-old Violetta lives a quiet life with her grandmother, while her mother Hannah is an unpredictable photographer who lives off of the generosity of others. When Hannah forces her daughter to pose for pictures, Violetta finds her life with her loving grandmother turned upside down.The resulting pictures quickly become a sensation for the trendy 70's Paris art scene, and Violetta finds herself caught between her new status as an art muse and her dull childhood.
Drama, Biography
1h 50min
In 1970s Paris, a photographer portrays her ten-year-old daughter Violetta as a seductive Lolita.
Young Violetta and her mother Hannah have a peculiar relationship. Ten-year-old Violetta lives a quiet life with her grandmother, while her mother Hannah is an unpredictable photographer who lives off of the generosity of others. When Hannah forces her daughter to pose for pictures, Violetta finds her life with her loving grandmother turned upside down.The resulting pictures quickly become a sensation for the trendy 70's Paris art scene, and Violetta finds herself caught between her new status as an art muse and her dull childhood.