The true story of Gavino Ledda, son of a Sardinian shepherd, who escapes his harsh existence by educating himself, despite brutal opposition from his father. The true story of the life of Gavino Ledda, the son of a Sardinian shepherd, and how he managed to escape his harsh, almost barbaric existence by slowly educating himself, despite violent opposition from his brutal father. Palme d'or at the Cannes Festival of 1977.
1h 53min
The true story of Gavino Ledda, son of a Sardinian shepherd, who escapes his harsh existence by educating himself, despite brutal opposition from his father.
The true story of the life of Gavino Ledda, the son of a Sardinian shepherd, and how he managed to escape his harsh, almost barbaric existence by slowly educating himself, despite violent opposition from his brutal father. Palme d'or at the Cannes Festival of 1977.