Clara, a lonely nurse from São Paulo, is hired by mysterious and wealthy Ana as a nanny. The women bond, but a fateful night changes all their plans. A mysterious and wealthy woman hires a lonely nurse named Clara to be the nanny of her soon-to-be born child. When a full moon brings about the birth of a werewolf, Clara makes it her mission to care for the monstrosity and protect it from the rest of the world.
2h 15min
Clara, a lonely nurse from São Paulo, is hired by mysterious and wealthy Ana as a nanny. The women bond, but a fateful night changes all their plans.
A mysterious and wealthy woman hires a lonely nurse named Clara to be the nanny of her soon-to-be born child. When a full moon brings about the birth of a werewolf, Clara makes it her mission to care for the monstrosity and protect it from the rest of the world.