A mysterious tramp named Borgman seeks shelter with the wealthy van Schendel family. Initially chased away by Richard, the father of the family, Borgman returns and secretly stows away in the estate's garden shed. Richard's wife Marina is not afraid to offer the stranger help. Marina feels increasingly attracted to him and won't allow him to leave the family again. Shortly thereafter, the gardener mysteriously disappears and Borgman sneaks into their family life with a new identity and takes up residence. Now the children also fall under his treacherous spell and cold-blooded manipulation begins. "A surreal kiss of evil" (The New York Times)
Horror, Thriller
1h 53min
An enigmatic drifter seeks refuge with an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the process.
A mysterious tramp named Borgman seeks shelter with the wealthy van Schendel family. Initially chased away by Richard, the father of the family, Borgman returns and secretly stows away in the estate's garden shed. Richard's wife Marina is not afraid to offer the stranger help. Marina feels increasingly attracted to him and won't allow him to leave the family again. Shortly thereafter, the gardener mysteriously disappears and Borgman sneaks into their family life with a new identity and takes up residence. Now the children also fall under his treacherous spell and cold-blooded manipulation begins.
"A surreal kiss of evil" (The New York Times)