This futuristic story takes place on a faraway planet where blue giants rule, and oppressed humanoids rebel against the machine-like leaders.
- Animation
- Best Novels Adaptation
- Timeless
- Escape to the 70's
- Filem'On: the film festival for young people
- Halloween: scream different
- family
- nature
- Sylvie Lenoir
- André Lambert
- Poupy de Monneron
- Serge Netter
- Eric Baugin
- Pascal Kominakis
- Jean Topart
- Marc Lesser
- Gérard Hernandez
- Madeleine Clervanne
- Yves Barsacq
- Max Amyl
- Denis Boileau
- Philippe Ogouz
- Gilbert Vilhon
- Jean Valmont
- Michèle Chahan
- André Rouyer
- Irina Tarassov
- Claude Joseph
- Hubert de Lapparent
- William Coryn
- Janine Forney
- Jacques Ruisseau
- Jennifer Drake