In a beautiful valley, tiny inhabitants live peacefully together until one day a black ant discovers a fabulous treasure: a forgotten sugar bowl. A small ladybug, who has lost his family, is hiding in it. The ants and the beetle quickly become friends and set off together on an adventurous journey to their home hill. But a tribe of red ants is also after the valuable cargo. A wild hunt begins through forests and meadows and on a raging river...
Animation, Kids & Family
1h 29min
tous publics
In a beautiful valley, tiny inhabitants live peacefully together until one day a black ant discovers a fabulous treasure: a forgotten sugar bowl.
A small ladybug, who has lost his family, is hiding in it. The ants and the beetle quickly become friends and set off together on an adventurous journey to their home hill. But a tribe of red ants is also after the valuable cargo. A wild hunt begins through forests and meadows and on a raging river...