Here people are dying like flies. In the Belgian black comedy about euthanasia, Dr. Kruger lets his terminally ill or suicidal patients choose their own death - à la carte. A secluded château is the final resting place for Dr. Kruger's patients. Deathwish patients - officially they're terminally ill... They exchange cash for death. As a last wish, some ask for an attractive student while others ask for a favorite last meal and before they gently falls asleep and drift off to the afterlife after taking Dr. Kruger's poisoned drink.
Here people are dying like flies. In the Belgian black comedy about euthanasia, Dr. Kruger lets his terminally ill or suicidal patients choose their own death - à la carte.
A secluded château is the final resting place for Dr. Kruger's patients. Deathwish patients - officially they're terminally ill... They exchange cash for death. As a last wish, some ask for an attractive student while others ask for a favorite last meal and before they gently falls asleep and drift off to the afterlife after taking Dr. Kruger's poisoned drink.